You might be shocked at finding yourself behind bars after a driving under the influence (DUI) charge even if you had not been drinking. Almost any type of substance can create issues when driving, even legally prescribed ones. To find out more and learn what to do when a DUI happens to you, read on.
Using Prescription Drugs
It's not illegal to use prescribed substances. It is illegal, though, to drive while impaired by a substance.
The prospect of going to court to try to win a judgment in an injury case can seem daunting. If an insurance company has already rejected your claim, though, it may be necessary for you to file a lawsuit. Take a look at how a personal injury lawyer will try to address the situation.
Review the Insurance Company's Rejection Letter
For an attorney, the first order of business will be to determine whether there might be a problem with the logic behind the rejection.
Often, there is a certain level of contention between the ticketing officer's account of the violation and what the driver's perception is. As a result, there are plenty of drivers who do not agree with the ticket or citation, which is okay. However, what is not okay is to let your disagreement turn into a lack of response. No matter how much you do not agree with the violation you have received, you cannot simply ignore it and expect it to go away.
When you have been arrested for a serious crime then you want to be sure you get an attorney for your self immediately. In fact, your first phone call should be to secure yourself an attorney as having one from the very beginning can make all of the difference to the outcome of your case. Here are some of the reasons why you never want to defend yourself and explanations of the importance of having a good criminal attorney working on your case.
If you've been accused of driving while intoxicated, you may worry about the legal process that lies ahead. Many states have very strict DUI and DWI laws in place to protect drivers and passengers on the road. If you're driving with even a bit of alcohol or drugs in your system, it could result in a dangerous situation, as well as big fines and consequences. If you're in this situation, it's best to hire a DWI lawyer as soon as you can.